IFTAV (Institut de Formation Théologique, Agricole et Vétérinaire)
The S.E.E.D. Institute is a three year program offering instruction and training in the Bible, agriculture and veterinary care. Qualified students are nominated by leaders throughout the southern peninsula of Haiti and beyond.
As of October 2012, over 300 trainees have enrolled in the program since its inception. Most of these individuals have come from rural areas. Classes are complemented with special seminars offered by visiting veterinarians, plant scientists and Bible teachers.
Animal Husbandry
The S.E.E.D. animal division mainly serves as a lab for the students. Is is important that the care of the animals is learned from the very beginning so the students will be able to advise the farmers and teach them better techniques.
The S.E.E.D. farm is an integral part of the Institute’s training program. It provides hands on experience for each student in production of vegetables, field crops and fruit trees. Experience is also gained in conducting varietal trials for crop species. Each student is graded on his/her performance in these areas based on crops produced in the assigned plot.
The S.E.E.D. Veterinary program began in 1995 and is designed to train the students in the basics of veterinary medicine. Veterinary clinics are held regularly for local farmers in the Les Cayes area to provide service for livestock and to train students in basic veterinary care.
The third year students are each placed in an out-lying community for a nine-month period, referred to as the "extension program". For this extension program year, they are given a plot of land by a local church to plant a demonstration garden, teach the local farmers improved vegetable and crop production, treat ill livestock, and put to practical use all the skills they have learned in the previous two years of training. They are to keep careful records of all their work, and an instructor visits each student on a monthly basis.